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Our fundamental idea is to focus. Only as specialists can we offer our customers top performance and survive against global competition. In over 135 years, we have accumulated a very extensive pliers and manufacturing know-how, which can be found in every single pair of KNIPEX pliers. What we can do and know today is not enough for the future. That is why we work on constant improvement everywhere in the company – in terms of products, processes, our organisation and our skills.

The decisive factor for the function of a pair of pliers is their precision: without accuracy, there is no reliable cutting, gripping or deforming, and no operation without play. Tight tolerances, the compliance of which we ensure with modern manufacturing technology, enable us to meet our strict quality requirements. We achieve these requirements through strict measurements and various tests – after the individual production steps and at the end of the entire process. We use state-of-the-art measuring technology and long-term testing systems, as well as practical routine testing by hand. To ensure that our pliers meet your expectations and our high demands, we only use selected steel alloys that have been rolled according to our specifications.